
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

My Boring Blog

I really have to apologize for those who still read my blog (if there is anyone out there) because honestly it has been neglected and looking pathetic these days.

I finally got my NCLEX date so all I've been doing is really studying for it. I hope my hard work will pay off when I take the exam (praying and studying)

Honestly my eating has gone a bit out of hand these days and frankly because I really haven't cared much about I put in my mouth. Although I exercise almost everyday sometimes twice a day, my food choices has been lacking.

My weight has been maintained to a sad 170 lbs. which is good considering how much chocolate I've been eating since.

I will try to do better and do my best and really get into this. I hate being the way I am.

There is no nursing school to use as an excuse!


  1. GOOD LUCK! :) Don't slack!! Pass with high and flying color. Land the perfect job!! :) Gotta stay motivated!

  2. I still read you :) We're both just too damn busy -LOL- Don't know how I found the time to blog every day once upon a time.

  3. Thank you soo much ladies!! <3 I know Jitter! It's so hard catching up when there's so much stuff to do!
    Best wishes to Jitter and Luckywinner -- I hope you ladies are doing well
