
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It has been a while!

Time has definitely went by quick since the last time I made an entry on this blog. I realized that it the chaos and being super busy never stop after nursing school. I am finally working and I LOVE.. Absolutely LOVE being a Nurse :) I love my patients -- nice, ones, grumpy ones, and scary ones a like haha.

I don't know for some reason I get reports about patients that are supposedly mean and scary but they're nice and pleasant to me. So I'm not sure what to say about that, other than people --- in general will respond to the types of energy you give them and so far that has worked with me *fingers crossed*

Anyway, I haven't been working out or eating any different since I started my journey as a tax payer LOL. But I tell you -- being on your feet for 12 hours day, running around and rarely getting the chance to sit down sure pays off!!

I lost 10 lbs since working I honestly did not think I'll ever got over that 173-170 lbs hump I've been on since --- FOREVER!  haha

Anyway I am 163 lbs. Haha you would think stress would make you fat. I know cuz that's how it was being in school. But not working apparently.

Maybe it's all a fluke -- but I'll take it! <3

I haven't gotten the chance to keep up with my favorite blogs and I sure hope everything is having a good holiday season!


  1. Heh! Fluke or not, that is awesome! Just eat good food, keep up that great attitude, and you'll do just FINE! Congrats, Gertie! :D P.S. So glad to hear from you!!!!

  2. haha yay!! I'm so glad you got a job! :D YAY!!!
    I was worried for a while there because, it's always a scary feeling getting out of school and not being able to find a job!

    But, this is wonderful news!! :) And.. the weight lost?! WOW! Even better! I think you are such a great nurse that is why even the worst patient can't help but be nice to you!. I truly believe about the whole "positive energy" thing! :) Keep it up and update us! :D

  3. Wow. I am out of the loop! A JOB?! Congrats! Sounds like you are doing well! Another big CONGRATS on losing 10lbs! Holy shit. I hope when I start working I get the same results! ;)
