
Monday, April 2, 2012

First Real Exercise in Months That Almost Killed Me

Dear Lord.. am I praying for my knees and side flank to stop aching!  Ms. Michaels kicked my ass...

Once upon a time, I had no problem doing any of her cursed routines. I had to modify the side plank dips and it was embarrassing lol

I sucked a$$

But I stuck with it all the way and I am proud of myself for it.

Breakfast: Home-made breakfast burrito
Snack:  High protein PB popsicles
Lunch:   Dannon strawberry yogurt, 3 strawberry skyflakes ( I wasn't all that hungry today, so I didn't get to eat what I planned earlier which was the side-salad/half pita)
Dinner:  Salad and Chille Relleno

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